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Insurance provided by Crossroads Insurance Brokers (Reg. No.265) Licensed byCentral Bank of UAE

Why choose policyhouse.com ?
We understand insurance policies are important and hence we strive to find the best policy for you.
Free Registration Assistance
Connect with policyhouse.com for you to get free assistance for your car registration. Avail this and many other offers when you buy a car insurance policy from us.
Super Simple Claims
We simplify the claims process just to ease your hassles. Join us and your claims will be just a click away.
Quick & Easy Processing
Once you filter out your ideal insurance policy, it doesn’t take longer than a minute to complete all the paperwork as we assist you through every step of buying an insurance policy.
Dedicated Customer Support
Whether it is listening to your queries or resolving all your issues, our active customer support team is at your service round the clock.
Why Health Insurance from policyhouse.com ?
We understand insurance policies are important and hence we strive to find the best policy for you.
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The health insurance plans and benefits we offers are priced best among the competition. We have the bigger selection of health insurance products online in the UAE.
Your Dedicated health insurance advisor
Need help or have questions about coverage or claims? policyhouse.com will deal with the health insurance companies for you, even after you've bought your plan.
Quick & Easy Processing
Once you filter out your ideal insurance policy, it doesn’t take longer than couple of hours to complete all the paperwork as we assist you through every step of buying an insurance policy.
Simple & Convenient Experience
We're committed to making shopping and applying for health insurance as simple as can be for our customers. Our features make getting health insurance simple, fast, and convenient.
Health Insurance Plans for Everyone
Small Business
Top providers and large networks. And we save you money. policyhouse.com is the right option for your small business.
We are just a call away for availing hassle-free group health insurance policy with yearlong support for all your requirements.
GET QUOTESpolicyhouse.com difference
Since our inception, we are prioritizing our customers' needs before anything and work towards enhancing our services each day.
Best Price, Guaranteed
We use intelligent algorithms and smart technology to get the best quote for you.
Our long term relationship with 40+ insurance companies ensures that you get the best deal.

tailored for you
Get personalized recommendations based on your unique needs and preferences.
Get to know more about the insurance cover you need, what you’re missing, and how to optimize your insurance portfolio.
Your personal
insurance advisor
Text a photo of your mulkiya and license and talk to your personal advisor.
We will help you with timely policy premium payments, claims processing and everything you would need to manage your insurance.

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Need More Info? Here’s Our Expert Guide To Help.
policyhouse.com is an independent policy searching company that works truly for the benefit of our customers We find pride in holding our position in the market as a credible company that works for the betterment of customers. Take a quick tour to know more…
How is policyhouse.com different from other insurance providers?
policyhouse.com strives to provide a refined comparison, real-time insurance quotes and additional coverage options to suit customer’s diverse requirement. With an extensive industry-specific knowledge and streamlined approach of sourcing the ideal insurance policy for you, policyhouse.com has become one of the leading insurance allies in the UAE.
How do I find the ideal insurance policy for myself?
Take assistance from insurance allies like policyhouse.com to compare the insurance quotes from hundreds of insurance companies in the region, and handpick the coverage options to create a customized policy that adheres well to your requirements.
How do I compare quotes on policyhouse.com?
Comparing quotes of leading insurance companies on policyhouse.com with a side-to-side comparison is definitely a streamlined approach to locate your ideal insurance policy. Jot down your requirements from the policy, including your specific coverage features and intended premium budget. Scroll through the rates, look out for the reviews, pick the appropriate add-ons, and create a customized policy for yourself, here at policyhouse.com